Many people don’t realise that business and personal relationships are all based on one important factor: You! Why do employers hire you? Why do your friends spend time with you? Why do people buy from you? The answer is simple, they feel good when you are around and you are constantly marketing yourself and creating a brand identity.
You are marketing yourself at every interview, meeting and greeting. Your personality and interests contribute to you being a magnificent human being. And whether you know it or not, you are constantly showing and reminding people of your positive attributes. The very attributes that entice people to build relationships with you, employ you or even buy from you. Marketing consultants will tell you that a corporate identity is more than just a logo and a product. People want to know more about the person or people behind the brand or the logo.
This can be seen in every walk of life. Just think about the last time you purchased something from a salesperson. Did you really need that product or did the salesperson make you feel good about yourself? Did you buy the product or did you buy the feel-good factor? We never take the time to think about this. If we all did, we would spend more time improving our own brand image instead of focusing solely on a branded logo or that boxed product. The marketing strategy or marketing campaign that you’ve been working on for months would take on an entirely different turn if you consider the people behind a brand. Considering the individuals that it takes to build a business and product range, is the first step to building a marketing strategy. Also, those individuals will feel recognised and important. We all know that a successful business needs hardworking, willing and passionate employees. Now, look at that, you’ve built your brand based on the people you work with (their individuals brands) and you’ve instilled a sense of pride in those people. This is a winning formula for any business owner or marketing consultant as that business’ product or service will be of the highest quality – built or served with passion. The marketing campaign is bound to be a success.
Another factor to consider when building a business is the fact that you as business owner, marketing manager or company representative act as a face for said business. You are the brand identity. Your actions will determine people’s perceptions of the business. Sometimes people may buy from a business because they like the company representative and not necessarily because the product is the cheapest or even the best.
There are so many factors to consider when marketing your brand identity and your marketing consultants can assist you. Firstly, consider what image you portray to the people in your life and improve it. Be unbeatable in every aspect of your life.
Brand identity, marketing consultants, marketing manager, marketing campaign, marketing strategy, marketing consultants, corporate identity, marketing