Business cards are everywhere. Every influential member of a business must have one. That is why when designing business cards, you have to think about how you will make yours stand out from the crowd. When your marketing consultants are developing your marketing strategy, you can include designing business cards and printing business cards as part of the process.
Your marketing consultant will have the expertise to advise you on the best design of your business cards so that it is in keeping with your company logo design and image. In saying that, there are some things that you need to think about when designing business cards for your business.
How much information do you want on the business cards?
Do you just want to display your contact information and website address? Or do you want to include your slogan, short list of your products or services, a picture of you, a picture of your business? These are not all necessities, except for your contact information. But the more you say, the better.
Do you want two sided business cards?
If you have a lot of information that you want to include, then printing a double sided business card is advisable. You don’t want too much information to be cluttered on one side of a small card. Don’t let the business card look too busy. This can discourage potential customers because you may come across as unorganised.
Do you want to print one or two colours or full colour business cards?
This is largely dependent on your logo and the image you want to project. If you are in a creative field or industry, full colour always says it best. It attracts attention. You need to have a good design coupled with this to ensure maximum effect.
Do you prefer gloss or matt business cards?
This is a preference. More businesses are choosing the gloss business cards because it looks sheen and modern as opposed to the traditional matt business cards. The advantage with the gloss business cards is that if you are printing full colour business cards, the colours look more vibrant. Colours tend to look a bit dull on matt business cards.
So when designing business cards, there is a bit to think about. Your graphic designer or marketing consultants will assist you and simplify the process when you request business cards. After all business cards are like having a hand held advertisement.
Designing business cards, marketing consultants, marketing campaign, company logo design, business cards and printing, two sided business cards, double sided business card, full colour business cards, marketing consultant, business cards