Brand Identity: You Are a Brand in Your Own Right

Many people don’t realise that business and personal relationships are all based on one important factor: You! Why do employers hire you? Why do your friends spend time with you? Why do people buy from you? The answer is simple, they feel good when you are around and you are constantly marketing yourself and creating…

The Importance of Marketing Campaigns and Advertising Even When Times Are Hard

You’ve had a brilliant idea that will change the face of your industry or even the country forever. But your business has been trading for two years already, so why are sales still so low? Have you structured all the components of your business, prepared your budget and built your marketing campaigns? It is so…

Social Networks Marketing and Advertising

With so many social networks popping up, we are now in an age where internet communication is taking over the world. Everything we do is documented in status updates, blogs and tweets. So it’s not preposterous to think that marketing agencies and businesses have embraced social networks marketing and social network advertising. But how do…

Online Marketing Strategies Should Include How to Ensure Good Web Design

Having a cool and flashy website is great for the eye to look at. But it doesn’t guarantee visitors to your website and consequent sales. So we will explore the factors that are essential to good web design that should form part of your online marketing strategy. Every business in this modern day should have…

Marketing Strategy: Promoting Your Business at an Exhibition

As a new business it is essential to get your brand out in the market place. Especially since you are new in your industry, it tends to take a bit a longer for your business to take off. The main reason for this is that people don’t know who you are and what you represent.…

Marketing Strategies For Retailers This Festive Season

I’ve found myself so wrapped up in the season’s festivities with family gatherings, friends and gifts. That I realised I actually spend a lot of money over this period, as do everyone else. There are many companies who have realised the potential of this time of year and have marketing strategies in place to capitalise…

Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Home Business

Being an entrepreneur is not always easy and it can be even more challenging if you have just started up a new business from home. The good thing is that home businesses are on the rise because as a business owner you can keep overheads low and your prices competitive. But how do you let…

Marketing Ideas for Your New Business

You’ve started a new business and are not sure how to get marketing ideas to reach your target market. Sit down and distinguish what you want to achieve first, that is, brand awareness which will lead to sales or immediate sales. This decision will depend on the type of product you’re selling. If you’re selling…

Marketing Ideas for Accountants and Other Service Providers

When you don’t have a physical product to present and sell it can be a bit more difficult to convince someone to buy from you. Rendering a service is just as important as selling a product and there are many people and businesses who need service providers such as accountants. But how do you sell…